Robin Flynn
Come explore the history behind psychedelic master teacher plants and their ceremonial practices — and discover why working with them may be essential to deepening your greater wisdom, direct spiritual revelation, and experiential understanding of your higher purpose.
It’s time to “come home” to your own heart, to your inner healer, to your personal power...
We’ve entered a time in our collective evolution where we’ve awakened enough to realize the limitations of looking outside ourselves for a healer, shaman, doctor, medicine, or any other form of savior.
Until fairly recently in terms of human history, psychedelic plant medicines and divine ceremonial sacraments played an essential role in shaping our collective cultural visions — and establishing within the individual a clear sense of one’s own eternal, co-creative nature.
We’re only now rediscovering that instead of looking outside of ourselves for someone or something to rescue us, ceremonial sacraments and psychedelics unlock our inner wisdom and self-healing capacity.
This has created a call and movement back toward the wisdom of more ancient medicine lineages — a return to the importance of direct spiritual revelation, grounded in embodied understanding.
To seek help, healing, and transformation from the pain, illness, suffering, and trauma that our Western allopathic paradigm has not been successful in addressing, many are turning to psychedelic medicines and entheogenic plants — psychoactive substances that induce alterations in perception, consciousness, or cognition for the purpose of engendering spiritual development.
This reclamation of our own healing abilities is what ultimately empowers us in our personal sacred missions.
In this empowering hour, plant medicine ceremonialist Robin Flynn, a sanctioned teacher of the ancient Andean lineage of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, will share with you the great promise of the master teacher plants for lasting, embodied healing on a personal and planetary level.
After struggling with physical health issues, chronic pain, and the accompanying mental anguish of general overwhelm from it all, Robin traveled to work with the wisdom keepers of the sacred medicines Huachuma (aka San Pedro), Ayahuasca, Vilca/Yopo (DMT-rich plant snuff), Peyote, the Sacred Mushrooms, and Cannabis — and what she experienced through this ceremonial work was profound healing.
This true healing occurs through dissolving the illusion of separation that binds us in patterns of harm, pain, suffering, and illness.
In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:
- Discover the ancient history of the human relationship with sacred plant medicines — how they open up shamanic worlds that can be navigated to cultivate true spiritual connection and healing
- Understand the current nature and practices of the psychedelic ceremonial world — a kind of “state of the union” of the Psychedelic Renaissance
- Explore how these plants/molecules are helping to radically improve lives — by healing the mind, body, heart, and spirit
- Learn the importance of establishing and maintaining optimal conditions necessary for true healing — recognizing why it’s so important to have sacred space (i.e., “set and setting”) and understanding the need for wisdom and discernment
- Experience a guided meditation that introduces you to an inner state that is the most “sacred space” — calling in resources and support from the spirit realm
These practices have been essential to human culture for millennia — connecting us with ourselves, those around us, the natural world, and the great mystery behind all that we access through our five senses.
It might seem there’s not enough time or space in your life for ceremony and ritual, yet we cannot thrive without a way to pause, contemplate, address ourselves to something larger, and experience more meaning in our present moments.
If you’re feeling called to explore entheogenesis further, Robin will also share details about her informative and empowering 7-week live video course, which she designed to help you create sacred space within and around you every day, so you can permanently embody this “inner set and setting” wherever you are.
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Join this FREE video event with Robin Flynn to explore the history behind psychedelic master teacher plants and their ceremonial practices — and discover why working with them may be essential to deepening your greater wisdom, direct spiritual revelation, and experiential understanding of your higher purpose.
Free Video Event
What People Are Saying About Robin Flynn...
“My mentorship with Robin has been a significant and life-changing process for me!”
“Robin speaks from the heart, and to our hearts, reminding us that we are all connected, one commUNITY.”
“With Robin’s support, I’ve found great strength and courage, deep healing, and purpose...”
“Robin is kind, loving, knowledgeable, and connected directly to spirit through her heart.”
“Robin is a true reflection of the path of beauty that she walks and shares with others.”
About Robin Flynn
Robin Flynn, MA, is a hampiq (one who carries medicine), heart-centered guide, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, New Earth ambassador, visionary artist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. As a ceremonial practitioner, Robin offers true and lasting experiences of healing and awakening through Earth-honoring reverence, transformational creativity, shamanic wisdom, trauma-informed ecopsychology, and the power of personal sovereignty.
Robin is bridging ancient cross-cultural shamanic wisdom, transformational art and creativity, quantum healing modalities, and Kamaska curanderismo within the dynamic evolutionary waves of the emergent global psychedelic renaissance. Her syncretic and integral approach empowers each individual to become the “shaman” of their own healing and awakening journey.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in Ecopsychology and Environmental studies from Naropa University, and a Master of Liberal Arts degree in Good and Sustainable Communities through Northern Arizona University. Since 1999, Robin has been mentored by beloved elders and generous wisdom keepers from South and North America in the art of ceremony. She is exceptionally well trained, and has participated in and facilitated well over 1,000 entheogenic and shamanic ceremonies.
Robin has seen first-hand the incredible light and staggering shadow of the psychedelic and ceremonial realm. From this experience, Robin co-created (with her husband Darcy Kopas) the “Resource and Empowerment Therapeutic Model” of healing, which bridges Earth-honoring Shamanic wisdom and leading-edge new science. She is the co-founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary healing center. Robin teaches online and offers international transformational healing retreats.
Sign Up Now
Join this FREE video event with Robin Flynn to explore the history behind psychedelic master teacher plants and their ceremonial practices — and discover why working with them may be essential to deepening your greater wisdom, direct spiritual revelation, and experiential understanding of your higher purpose.
Free Video Event