During this richly inspiring summit, you’ll discover:

  • That mysticism, through the 4 points of Perennial Wisdom, can address the core psycho-spiritual problem plaguing humanity
  • How to call out to 7 specific archangels for blessings and protection — getting to know each one by name as you develop special, unique relationships
  • Little-known Jewish, Kabbalistic, Sabbatean, and Hasidic mystical teachings — and ways to translate, adapt, and embody them today
  • The relationship between music and sacred sounds such as ancient mantras — and how music amplifies the mysticism, supporting your spiritual journey
  • The call for a healing of humanity by way of the unio mystica — the union of the mystic's soul with God

Awaken to the Dream of Your Own Life on the Pathless Path

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Sign up now to receive these FREE recordings and to be notified about our next Mystics Summit:

  • The Spiritual Foundations of Healing with James Finley, PhD (hosted by James Twyman)
  • The Sufi Path of Sacred Presence with Dr. Fawzia Al-Rawi (hosted by Taya Mâ Shere) 

Featured Speakers

James Twyman
James Twyman
Psychedelics and Mysticism
Colette Baron-Reid
Colette Baron-Reid
Mysticism and Oracle Cards: Harnessing the Power of Divination
Victor L. Wooten
Victor L. Wooten
Harmonizing Humanity: Unveiling the Power of Diversity in Music and Life
The Mystical Journey to Attain Enlightenment and Happiness
Sheikh Ghassan Manasra
Sheikh Ghassan Manasra
The Spirit of Peace
Pam Grout
Pam Grout
All Heaven Will Break Loose: A Course in Miracles Primer
Mirabai Starr
Mirabai Starr
The Wild Heart of the Women Mystics
Thomas Hübl
Thomas Hübl
From Fear to Freedom: A Path to Gratitude and Inner Peace


Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Beyond Belief: Perennial Wisdom at the Mystic Heart of the World's Religions
Dr. William Bloom
Dr. William Bloom
How to Access the Oceans and Waves of Mystic Bliss
Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox
The Unio Mystica According to Otto Rank, Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart, Mary Oliver & Others
Rabbi Dr. Jay Michaelson
Rabbi Dr. Jay Michaelson
Heretical, Psychedelic, Hybridistic, Kabbalistic Jewish Mysticism: Embodying Multiple Realms
Banafsheh Sayyad
Banafsheh Sayyad
Ground Your Spirituality in Your Body
Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey
Radical Regeneration: Sacred Activism and the Renewal of the World
Maryam Hasnaa
Maryam Hasnaa
The Mysticism of Sound and Nature
James Finley, PhD
James Finley, PhD
The Spiritual Foundations of Healing
Rabbi David Ingber
Rabbi David Ingber
Jewish Mysticism and Healing the Broken Vessels
Brian Thomas Swimme
Brian Thomas Swimme
Experiencing Oneself as Cosmic Creativity
Miranda Macpherson
Miranda Macpherson
Embodying Grace in Every Moment: What Does it REALLY Take to Actualize Your Deepest Prayers Where it Matters Most?
Barnet Bain
Barnet Bain
Mysticism in Movies
Fr. Larry Gosselin
Fr. Larry Gosselin
The Way of the Mystics and Journey Into the Divine
Nayaswami Premdas
Nayaswami Premdas
The Mysticism of Paramahansa Yogananda: His World Legacy in the Transmission of Ever-New-Joy!
Brenda McMorrow
Brenda McMorrow
Mysticism in Music
Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston
The Angelic Realm and the Mystic Within
Dr. Fawzia Al-Rawi
Dr. Fawzia Al-Rawi
The Sufi Path of Sacred Presence
Taya Mâ Shere
Taya Mâ Shere
Into the Heart of Devotion: Embodied Sacred Practice as a Path for Connection to the Divine
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD
Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD
The Aramaic Jesus: Unearthing a Native Middle Eastern Lineage of Mystics
Michael Meade
Michael Meade
The Pathless Path, The Mystic Way
Robert Holden
Robert Holden
A Crash Course in Mysticism
Omid Safi
Omid Safi
Rumi and the Path of Radical Love
Janna Gosselin, PhD
Janna Gosselin, PhD
Julian of Norwich: Healing the Split Between Our Heavenly and Earthly Selves
Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest
Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest
Indigenous Medical Mysticism
Rebeccah L. Bennett
Rebeccah L. Bennett
Seeding the Healed Future
Mushim Patricia Ikeda
Mushim Patricia Ikeda
The Infinite Everyday: Zen and Oneness
Maya Luna
Maya Luna
Mystical Poetry Hour
Gabrielle Herbertson
Gabrielle Herbertson
Mystical Poetry Hour
Day Schildkret
Day Schildkret
Eros and Impermanence: A Collaboration of Nature, Creativity, and the Mystical
Hadar Cohen
Hadar Cohen
The Mystical Path to the Heart of God

With Summit Hosts:

James F. Twyman
Episcopal Priest & Founder of Namaste Village in Ajijic, Mexico

Taya Mâ Shere
Host of Jewish Ancestral Healing Podcast & Co-Founder of Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute

A modern mystic is a person who is called to live, express, and fulfill the destiny of their Soul.
— Aletheia Luna

What exactly does it mean to be a modern mystic anyway?

A modern mystic is one who actually lives into the mystery rather than just studying it… delving into the mysterious nature of “awakening” in a visceral way.

Have you ever wondered about the potential of your own mystical path? Not just hearing about ancient, enlightened mystics who claimed to know God, but actually plunging into the depths of your own capacity to experience sublime wonder and awe — and oneness with the Divine?

Learning to develop your personal, direct bliss connection with Source can be full of unexpected challenges as well as ecstatic joys — and undeniably rewarding for those who follow a fully committed spiritual path.

Throughout history, people have traveled many different roads to open the connection and keep the inspiration flowing. You too can explore mystical paths such as poetry, ritual movement, stories, music, and meditations to enrich your inner life.

As “wayshowers” throughout time, mystics have encouraged us to embrace a deep, still quality of inner focus that allows us to commune directly with the sacred…

… and have taught us to reconnect with timeless, essential truths by harnessing our soul’s deepest longing to merge with the beloved heart of existence.

Here’s a sample of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

Colette Baron-Reid will explore the mystical practice of divination using oracle cards — and how they can be used to connect with the spiritual realm and access higher guidance.

James Finley, PhD, will focus on the healing effects of learning to live a more contemplative life, in which you discover how to deepen your experience of and response to God's presence.

Thomas Hübl will explore how energetic interconnectedness applies to the natural world, human society, and the cosmos — and how cultivating resonance can improve your relationships and create a peaceful world.

Victor L. Wooten will share how music has the ability to transcend boundaries, evoke emotions, and bring about positive change. 

Mirabai Starr and James Twyman will explore the teachings of 3 women mystics who demonstrated ways to walk in peace and beauty, balancing contemplative life with compassionate action in the world.

Pam Grout will reveal that once you surrender by giving up all your perceptions and beliefs, the clearer the Divine's message can pour forth.

Andrew Harvey will describe his vision of our current global dark night as the evolutionary birthing ground of a new humanity.

Gangaji will share how meeting your life's challenges and experiences can be a way to renew wisdom and enlightenment.

Banafsheh Sayyad will reveal that we’re often disconnected from ourselves and the Earth, and are called to heal these wounds of severance by consciously reclaiming the interconnected sacredness of living in a physical body.

Sheikh Ghassan Manasra will explore tools for creating peace in the world, and in your own life.


And much more...

In this soul-stirring summit, we’re presenting an all-star cohort of seasoned scholars and mystical seekers who will support you in your quest to reignite your own passionate connection with the Divine.

You’ll also get to enjoy a special “Mystical Poetry Hour” — curated by beloved author Mirabai Starr — featuring ancient works and two contemporary mystical poets, Maya Luna and Gabrielle Herbertson.

By exploring the great mystics and mystery traditions, you'll encounter celebrated historical figures such as a Middle Eastern mystic known as Yeshua… plus Clare of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, and Meister Eckhart

… as well as modern mystic contemporaries like Thomas Merton, Mary Oliver, Thomas Berry, Sri Aurobindo, Father Bede Griffiths, and others.

By connecting with these venerated mystics yourself, you can de-mystify mysticism and move into, claim, and sustain this mystical lifeline to your timeless essence.

Hosted by James F. Twyman and Taya Mâ Shere, the 2023 Mystics Summit is an immersion into mystical wisdom gleaned from a wide range of cultures, traditions, and spiritual paths.

You’re invited to discover how you can create a safe, sacred space where you can unlock your own ecstatic internal guidance

… satisfying your desire to reconnect in a mystical union with the Divine as you receive soul-nourishing solace from quintessential mystical teachings across time.

Join more than 35 scholars, teachers, and contemporary mystics, including Colette Baron-Reid, James Finley, PhD, Thomas Hübl, Victor L. Wooten, Mirabai Starr, Pam Grout, Andrew Harvey, Gangaji, Banafsheh Sayyad, Sheikh Ghassan Manasra, and many others…

… as they demonstrate ways to embody a fluid state of grace that can help you come from a solid foundation of inner peace, so you can consistently rise to the occasion out in the world, where it matters most.

Rediscover Your Relationship to Source Through Ancient Wisdom and Practical Applications of Divine Energy

Alone, I crossed the Field of Emptiness, dropping my reason and my senses.
I stumbled on my own secret there and flowered, a lotus rising from a marsh.

— I, Lalla: The Poems of Lal Ded

While at first it may seem like an inscrutable, shrouded-in-secret, alchemical key is required to unlock the special initiation ceremony that will prepare you to finally merge joyously and directly with the Divine…

… there are actually many well-known, easy-to-follow universal practices and concepts that can help open anyone to mystical experiences.

Returning to simplicity is in itself a radical and sacred act.

It all comes back to focusing your attention within, through the transformative power of practices that turn the mundane into the sacred — modalities such as chanting, rhythmic prayer, and consciously activating the breath… again, and again, and again.

Music and sacred toning sounds such as ancient mantras can also powerfully amplify the mysticism itself, supporting your spiritual journey.

What’s actually happening during these intimate conversations with leading mystical wisdom teachers, authors, and scholars throughout the entire 2023 Mystics Summit

… is a palpable uplifting of your own energetic vibrations as you “remember” the transcendent power of the ancient mystics, and resonate with the resounding call from present-day mystics to embody these sacred insights in your own life today.

The world is ready for a mystic revolution, a discovery… of the God in each of us.
— George Harrison

Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ Mystics Summits...

“It was very encouraging to learn that, basically, we are all innate mystics!”

Learning about historical, famous mystics was quite fascinating! It was very encouraging to learn that, basically, we are all innate mystics! I feel more confident on my journey now. Thank you so much for that!

— Susan, New York, New York

“I love the whole idea of providing a week of insights from various spiritualities for both personal spiritual growth and community action.”

I love the whole idea of providing a week of insights from various spiritualities for both personal spiritual growth and community action. I always learn something new, or am reminded of something I once learned but which has been tucked away in the mental filing cabinet.

— Suzy, Mesa, Arizona

“Such an excellent demonstration of the sincerity of presence between those who are kindred spirits!”

I was very moved by a number of the presentations, and in general I loved the interview format, I especially thought Carmen elicited meaningful dialogue with her guests. Her questions evoked significant responses that I found myself very grateful for. Such an excellent demonstration of the sincerity of presence between those who are kindred spirits!

— Deborah, Port Townsend, Washington

“I loved the summit because there was a shift on a spiritual level, an awakening, broadening the vision of spirituality…”

I loved the summit because there was a shift on a spiritual level, an awakening, broadening the vision of spirituality and the concern and love of bringing spiritual leaders under one roof for the betterment of all human beings which now I see as one. With love and gratitude.

— Mahvish

“The variety of offerings from such wise folks was a great gift!”

The variety of offerings from such wise folks was a great gift! Shift Network offered an overflowing cup at this summit.

— Pat, Hampden, Massachusetts

“These sharings, teachings, and insights in the Mystics Summit have very importantly helped deepen my own journey already…”

These sharings, teachings, and insights in the Mystics Summit have very importantly helped deepen my own journey already... truly grateful to The Shift Network for putting this together!

— Liz, Montreal, Canada

“I am grateful for the new spiritual insights the presenters gave to me.”

I am grateful for the new spiritual insights the presenters gave to me. Their humanity, compassion, and deep spirituality made their sessions particularly meaningful.

— Philip, Albuquerque, New Mexico

“I loved listening to people whom I have not heard of alongside some whom I had.”

I loved listening to people whom I have not heard of alongside some whom I had. I also loved the variety of backgrounds of the speakers. It was also good to hear Christianity being presented in a positive light, as mostly we just hear and experience the shadow side.

— Vanessa Compton-Pierce



The Path embraces all spiritual paths and aligns the teachings, events, workshops and practices of indigenous traditions and earth-based wisdom for the betterment and support of all beings.
Spiritual Growth Events - Free Online Courses & Workshops
Women of Wisdom, founded by Kris Steinnes, offers programs for women on personal growth and transformation. Through women's spirituality, creativity, circle leadership and community support, WOW honors the Divine Feminine in all. Every February in Seattle since 1993 WOW’s annual conference aspires to empower women's voices and their contributions to the world. We're celebrating Our 30th Annual Conference March 24-27!
The Center For Sacred Studies is dedicated to sustaining ways of life based on collaboration and reciprocity with the Earth and all Her beings.