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With Mystic, Medium & Author
Suzanne Giesemann

Discover how essential mediumship skills can enhance both your practice and your daily life.

Did you know that the same tools and principles that make an effective medium can help you flow beautifully and peacefully with the day-to-day challenges of being human?

Are you ready to  strengthen your spirit connections and become a more skilled and intuitive medium, while also bringing greater peace, ease, and harmony into your daily life?

Renowned medium and spiritual teacher Suzanne Giesemann teaches that to be an effective medium, you must learn to trust in your spirit connections and that the more you trust spirit during your readings, the more you’ll trust Spirit to guide every moment of your life.

Join Suzanne for a special 1-hour online event, where you’ll learn how the principles of evidential mediumship can elevate your mediumship and bring greater ease and joy to your daily life. 

Mediumship isn't just for connecting with loved ones beyond the veil;  it’s a powerful tool for cultivating inner harmony, aligning with your higher self, and living a divinely guided life.

Suzanne, a beloved Shift Network faculty, came into her gift of mediumship later in life after the sudden and tragic death of her stepdaughter and the unborn child she was carrying. Her gift of communication with those on the Other Side has been verified and recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers. 

Suzanne will introduce essential practices that help you step into a state of flow enabling you to shift naturally from fear to faith, from doubt to trust, and from isolation to connection, both during readings and in everyday life.

Truly, you’ll become an instrument of peace, says Suzanne.

This is your invitation to discover how mediumship can empower you to meet life’s challenges with a clear mind, an open heart, and an unwavering sense of purpose.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • A guided exercise in which your body is relaxed but your mind is alert so you can experience the critical difference between “thinking/trying” mode and the state of “being/flowing”
  • A new tool (memory device) to help you reinforce a PACT (Patience, Awareness, Commitment, Trust) between yourself and those in the spirit world so you can maintain an ongoing, mutually beneficial relationship
  • Insights into the state of Unity Consciousness a shift that moves you beyond the constraints of duality to a life filled with connection and meaning
  • A fun, relatable analogy to illustrate how connecting with spirit benefits you in your everyday relationships and interactions
  • The #1 key to remaining in a state of flow and what it means to live from a state of wholeness

When you join Suzanne for this hour-long event, you’ll be among the first to hear about her brand-new live video course, in which you’ll learn how to refine your mediumship skills and live from a flow state.

Through real-life examples and experiential practices, you’ll learn how aligning with the higher self and living a life of flow is crucial for both your growth as a medium and for your own personal transformation.

Join Suzanne to learn how to step into your highest self and embrace a life guided by spirit.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Suzanne Giesemann and learn how mediumship’s most essential skills can enrich not only your spiritual practice but also your everyday life.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Suzanne Giesemann...

“... what I have begun experiencing is miraculous.”

I lost my wife last year suddenly and started this journey with Suzanne to attempt to reach and reconnect with her across the veil. Through the amazing and spiritually enlightening content, tools, resources, and compassion conveyed through this course, I have not only advanced my journey to reconnecting with loved ones and long-forgotten serendipities, but also opened my mind and life to a greater connection with the conscious universe — and have been experiencing a growing abundance of other unexpected benefits. There is so much deep praise I have for this course and for Suzanne. I’m not a professional medium, but what I have begun experiencing is miraculous.


Ashburn, Virginia

“[Suzanne] is so sincere, so knowledgeable, and so full of love.”

Suzanne Giesmann’s class was phenomenal. She is so sincere, so knowledgeable, and so full of love. It’s more than a teaching, it’s an attunement, and I found my life changing in so many beautiful ways. I found myself lifted up. Words simply cannot express the energy that her class has imparted. 


Whitinsville, Massachusetts

“... an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner.”

Suzanne is an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner. Trust me on this... I know from first-hand experience.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, PhD

Bestselling author and spiritual teacher

“... if anyone has the potential to bring the reality of mediumship and life after death to the masses, it is Suzanne.”

Suzanne is among the most gifted and among the most credible of any genuine medium I have had the privilege to meet and work with over the past 15 years. Moreover, if anyone has the potential to bring the reality of mediumship and life after death to the masses, it is Suzanne.

Dr. Gary Schwartz

Distinguished professor, author, and afterlife researcher

“The work with [Suzanne] took my mediumistic and psychic skills to another level...”

Suzanne has a way of explaining the process of mediumship that provides a powerful and clear framework for understanding what we are trying to do. Not a moment was wasted. The work with her took my mediumistic and psychic skills to another level, which is deeply exciting to me. I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough.

Judy Tsafrir, MD

Boston holistic adult and child psychiatry


About Suzanne Giesemann


Suzanne Giesemann is a spiritual teacher, author, and messenger of hope who guides people to the certainty that love never dies and that we are part of a multidimensional universe. She has been featured on Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine’s 2022 list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.

Suzanne is a former U.S. Navy Commander, Commanding Officer, and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Her transition from senior military officer to her current work is featured in the award-winning documentary Messages of Hope, based on her memoir by the same name.

She is the founder of The Awakened Way℠, a path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life. She is the creator of the BLESS ME Method© of connecting to higher consciousness, and the popular SIP of the Divine© meditation. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a group of thought leaders from diverse disciplines who come together to help support a global shift in consciousness.

Suzanne has authored 15 books, including The Awakened Way: Making the Shift to a Divinely Guided Life and Mediumship: Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil. She’s written and narrated six Hemi-Sync® recordings, and produces the Awakened Way app and the Daily Way inspirational messages read by tens of thousands each day. She also hosts the popular Messages of Hope podcast.

Suzanne has been a keynote presenter for the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the International Association for Near-Death Studies. She was awarded the 2024 Spiritual Leadership Award by Humanity’s Team, an honor bestowed only 11 times since 2001; other recipients of this prestigious award include Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela.

A sought-after keynote speaker at major international conferences, Suzanne’s many YouTube videos have reached millions of viewers, helping people throughout the world awaken to the interconnectedness of all life. Suzanne leads both online and in-person classes, workshops, and retreats, teaching people around the world about their true nature and how to connect with higher consciousness.

Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the Other Side has been verified and recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers. Her messages bring not only hope, but healing and love that go straight to the heart.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Suzanne Giesemann and learn how mediumship’s most essential skills can enrich not only your spiritual practice but also your everyday life.

Free Video Event

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Finding Flow With the Practice of Mediumship
Suzanne Giesemann