In this groundbreaking series, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to build parasympathetic dominance in your nervous system that also deeply support strength and flexibility
  • 7 secret keys that can unlock your “movement superpower” to overcome the challenge of pain
  • How liquid movements, primordial sounding, and breathing deliver you into open awareness and love, awakening the spiritual imaginal capacity of the heart
  • How your nervous system’s ability to continue learning is your salvation
  • Ways that your physical, mental, and emotional centers respond to intentional movement and open a window to a deeper experience of the self
  • How to self-regulate physical tension that shows up as somatic reflexes, so you can reduce stress
  • The 5 Indigenous technologies embedded in us by nature for physiological and mental health
  • That emotional effector patterns (EEP) are specific breath-and-muscle movements that provide accurate and repeatable methods for emotional clarity and flexibility

Drop Into Delicious Fluid Movements to Strengthen Inner & Outer Balance

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Sign up now to receive these FREE recordings and to be notified about our next Somatic Movement Summit series:

  • Move and Manifest with Mimi El-Ashiry
  • Fluid Movement, Consciousness Shift and Trauma Healing with Manuela Mischke-Reeds

Featured Speakers

Betsy Polatin, MFA, SEP, AmSAT
Betsy Polatin, MFA, SEP, AmSAT
From Freeze to Flow: Using Support, Suspension, and Breath
Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO
Brian Siddhartha Ingle, ND, DO
Removing the Obstacles to Health to Ignite The Breath Of Life and Support Self Healing
Gayatri Maya Andersson-Schriefer, MSME
Gayatri Maya Andersson-Schriefer, MSME
Nourish and Revitalize Your Life
Mimi El-Ashiry
Mimi El-Ashiry
Move and Manifest
Dr. Martha Eddy, RSMT
Dr. Martha Eddy, RSMT
Dynamic Embodiment Eye Care: Caring for the Windows of Our Souls
Paul Pui Wo Lee
Paul Pui Wo Lee
A “Neuro-Conscious” Taste for Beauty in Our Dance of Life
Simon Borg-Olivier
Simon Borg-Olivier
Breathe Less not More: The Common Origin of All Traditional Movement Practices
Arielle Schwartz, PhD
Arielle Schwartz, PhD
Rewire Your Resilience: Vagal Toning for Self-Discovery, Embodied Healing, and Meaningful Change


Lavinia Plonka
Lavinia Plonka
Experiencing a Dynamic Feldenkrais Method® Lesson
Emory M. Moore Jr., MSME/T
Emory M. Moore Jr., MSME/T
Past, Present, and Future: My Teachers, the Legacy, and Culture
Banafsheh Sayyad
Banafsheh Sayyad
Transmute Difficult Emotions Through Dance
Sundernath (Shandor Remete)
Sundernath (Shandor Remete)
The Required Tools for Self-Cultivation
Yalini Dream
Yalini Dream
Somatic Wisdom and Liberatory Futures
Dr. Marc Cohen
Dr. Marc Cohen
The Way of Wellness: How to Add More Life to Your Life
Candy Conino
Candy Conino
Pick a Spot, Any Spot: All Bodies are Brimming With Beauty and Order
Cynthia Allen, GCFP, STMI, RSME
Cynthia Allen, GCFP, STMI, RSME
The 7 Secret Keys: Your Superpowers to Overcoming the Challenges of Chronic Pain
Laura Bond
Laura Bond
Discover Emotional Clarity and Resilience With the Emotional Body® Method
Judith Aston
Judith Aston
Serendipitous Timing: How Past Experiences Shape Our Future
Don Hanlon Johnson
Don Hanlon Johnson
Honoring the Legacy of Somatic Movement and Fueling Its Inspiring Future: The Purpose of Somatics in These Times
Paul Linden, PhD
Paul Linden, PhD
Discovering and Changing Your Essence Through the Power of Intention
Eleanor Criswell Hanna
Eleanor Criswell Hanna
Honoring the Legacy of Somatic Movement and Fueling Its Inspiring Future: The Purpose of Somatics in These Times
Martha Peterson, CCSE
Martha Peterson, CCSE
How Our Reflexive Responses to Stress are Intertwined With Body, Emotions, and Movement
Richard E. Sims MSME, MSMT, CTP
Richard E. Sims MSME, MSMT, CTP
The Art of Peace: Transforming Your Emotional and Physical Pain Through Somatic Education, Body Awareness, and the Principles of Aikido
Jordan McCallum
Jordan McCallum
From War Zones to the Healing Field of Peace
Dr. Marcus Chacos
Dr. Marcus Chacos
The Hidden Messages of Pain: The Lost and Sacred Art of Symbolic Interpretation of Signs and Symptoms
Bianca Machliss
Bianca Machliss
The Evolution of Yoga Movement in Western Society Over the Past 40 Years
Leora Gaster
Leora Gaster
Moving Into Higher Consciousness
Waangenga Blanco
Waangenga Blanco
Understanding the Health Relationship Between Yourself and the Land Where You Live
Susan Harper, MSME/T
Susan Harper, MSME/T
Liquid Presence Resonance and Love Somatic Practicum
Liz Koch
Liz Koch
Wild Psoas: Tracking Your Primal Expression
Tom Rankin
Tom Rankin
Moving Into Higher Consciousness
Jamie McHugh, MA, MSMT
Jamie McHugh, MA, MSMT
Somatic Movement: From Stillness to Dancing for Healing and Expression
Cameron Shayne
Cameron Shayne
Anti-Fragility Through Movement
Dr. Samuel H. Leguizamon Grant
Dr. Samuel H. Leguizamon Grant
Social Somatics
Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MFT
Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MFT
Fluid Movement, A Shift in Consciousness, and Trauma Healing
Ms. Didi
Ms. Didi
Moving Beyond Bias in Movement Pedagogy for Freedom and Fun
Vannia Ibarguen
Vannia Ibarguen
Embodying Water as a Somatic Practice

With Series Hosts:

Dr. Martha Eddy
Author & Founding Director of Dynamic Embodiment® Somatic Movement Therapy Training

Simon Borg-Olivier
Physiotherapist, Research Scientist & Co-Director of YogaSynergy

and guest host:

Lavinia Plonka
Body Language Expert & Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®

Move Your Body to Stretch Your Mind

Did you know that if the body holds tension and anxiety about the past or future, it can block the flow of energy to your mitochondria, resulting in physical fatigue, emotional depression, and multiple symptoms of dis-ease at the cellular level?

During this series, you’ll gain access to powerful techniques for awakening your somatic intelligence as you create a personalized daily movement practice that helps you experience longevity, natural healing, physical health, emotional resilience, and deep intuition.

Somatic movement is a rich, potent, body-based self-healing tradition that empowers you to become more aware of your body’s subtle guidance and inspiration...

... so you can support new neural pathways where profound healing can occur — simply by tuning in to your body’s innate sensations.

You can think of the field of somatic movement as an amalgam of deeply felt, self-aware movements integrated with meditation, psychology, and bodywork...

... guiding you to access your body’s own wisdom so you can be physically healthier, enhance longevity, and move easier... throughout your life. You’ll also learn how movement unblocks emotion and how you can expand your emotional range with somatic movement.

By finding the sweet spot in your practice that connects emotions, consciousness, and movement as you uncover your latent and ever-emerging ability to thrive...

... you can also improve memory, balance, coordination, and ease, while cultivating your body’s ability to deliver subtle clues for optimal mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

The Somatic Movement Summit series invites you to nurture your connection to your body’s inner knowing – leading you to enjoy a life overflowing with greater strength, agility, and happiness.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner, or new to conscious movement, you’ll discover a wide range of somatic practices that will expand your awareness and inspire your healing journey.

Also, be sure to keep an eye out for additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice.

These professional track sessions will immerse you in the most prevalent philosophies springing forth in the field, while offering guided somatic movement techniques designed to advance you – and your teaching practice – to the next level of mastery.

You’ll get to access advanced and professional-level content, ranging from panels to experiential practice sessions:


  • From Stillness to Full-Out Dancing
    with Jamie McHugh and Manuela Mischke-Reeds
  • Honoring the Legacy of Somatic Movement and Fueling Its Inspiring Future
    with Don Hanlon Johnson, Eleanor Criswell Hanna, and Judith Aston

Experiential Practice Sessions (20-30 Minutes):

  • Connecting Liquid Movements to the Continuum Inquiry
    with Susan Harper
  • Exploring Bio-Morphic Expressions of Life Through Your Core Psoas
    with Liz Koch
  • Enhancing Blood Circulation Without Increasing Your Heart Rate
    with Simon Borg-Olivier
  • Somatic Practices Focused on Equity and Access
    with Dr. Martha Eddy
  • Discovering and Changing Your Essence Through the Power of Intention
    with Paul Linden, PhD
  • Experiencing a Dynamic Feldenkrais Method® Lesson
    with Lavinia Plonka and Candy Conino

Session for Practitioners & Aspiring Professionals:

  • Building Confidence and Competence as a Somatic Practitioner
    with Candy Conino


By exploring a continuum of well-known somatic practices, you’ll discover the modality that resonates most with you – from delicate physical manipulations including gentle breath, vibrational touch, and soft sound... to subtle movements you can do lying down, seated, or standing... to full-out dancing!

This inquiry provides you with a beautiful opportunity to honor and deepen your body-mind connection by honing in on the styles of movement that best suit your levels of energy and fitness — neither too high-intensity nor too stagnant.

For example, by using a simple somatic method called pandiculation — alternating movements to gently stretch and unlock your trunk and extremities — you can safely reset your nervous system and reduce physical tension and pain.

While releasing the grip of chronic pain can sometimes be an ongoing process, it can also happen surprisingly quickly — and when you uncover the hidden message of your pain, you’ll discover the path through your trauma to healing transformation.

This series will provide you with experiential opportunities to activate quick shifts in your body, regardless of whether you’re new to somatic movement, or an experienced practitioner enhancing your skill set.

Our somatic experts will guide you through powerful experiential practices:

Betsy Polatin will explore how to release defensive, shutdown states by activating movement and breath.

Brian Siddhartha Ingle will explain how self-healing takes place once the obstacles to health are removed, and how embodied fluid movement is the missing link in the self-healing equation.

Gayatri Maya Andersson-Schriefer will teach you how to revitalize and energize your soma — body and mind.

Mimi El-Ashiry will encourage you to discover the freedom that comes from moving without judgment or concern for appearances.  

Paul Pui Wo Lee will share how the active-experience somatic practice known as the Feldenkrais Method® can help you find hidden individual possibilities within.

Yalini Dream will describe the internal shifts needed to integrate a somatics approach into dancing.

Banafsheh Sayyad will reveal how dance can give you the capacity to not only withstand emotional difficulties and challenges with grace, but also to process them.

Paul Linden, PhD, will ponder whether finding strength without anger could be the beginning of true spirituality and world peace.

Sundernath (Shandor Remete) will discuss tools required to cultivate the self, and how discovering and exploring your gifts plays a pivotal role in the unfolding of your true destiny.

Emory M. Moore Jr. will share his observation that excellence — as well as economic success — is at the heart of somatic movement.

Dr. Arielle Schwartz will explain how vagal toning can help reduce trauma-induced autonomic nervous system imbalances that can otherwise lead to anxiety, depression, or chronic illness.

Dr. Marc Cohen will show you practical ways to enhance health, support detoxification pathways, and minimize toxic exposures through dietary manipulations, breathing practices, hot and cold exposure, and flow states.


And much more...

Aging Gracefully Is Key to an Ongoing Life of Happiness and Ease

Do you see yourself aging gracefully with ease, expressing a bubbly, exuberant zest for life? Can you physically do everything you used to do without thinking about it? Are you still sharp and mentally focused?

Do you bounce out of bed each morning feeling rested and refreshed, ready to handle the challenges and pleasures that each day brings?

Somatic movement practices can help you melt resistance to your limitations, respect your physical architecture, and take joy in your potential. Growth is a process, and the journey is the point!

As you release self-criticisms and the need to beat yourself up for not being perfect, you’ll find room to bless and release whatever physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges you face, giving yourself room to grow (and permission to do so).

Clearing emotional distress paves the way toward deeper physical and emotional healing, opening a pathway for you to literally change your life by physically embodying your deepest internal reserves of eternal spiritual joy.

And, by finally transmuting whatever you still may be carrying that no longer serves your highest self, you create space for powerful transformation and rebirth.

Sign up for the Somatic Movement Summit series to receive abundant knowledge from renowned somatic movement experts, movement therapists, doctors, psychologists, and movement pioneers...

... including co-host Dr. Martha Eddy, founding director of Dynamic Embodiment® Somatic Movement Therapy Training... co-host Simon Borg-Olivier, physiotherapist, research scientist, and co-director of YogaSynergy... and guest host Lavinia Plonka, founder of Kinesa®, body language expert, and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®.

Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ Somatic Movement Summit...

“I had quite a lot of insightful moments already and I haven’t even listened to even half of the sessions.”

I had an amazing time following this event. I had quite a lot of insightful moments already and I haven’t even listened to even half of the sessions. Thank you so much for everything. And please continue with what you’re doing, I feel like humanity and our planet really need this kind of energy.

– Sara, Piran, Slovenia

“I loved your generosity in sharing this amazing event that included so many different people and techniques.”

I loved your generosity in sharing this amazing event that included so many different people and techniques. I’ve refreshed some insights about living fully in the body and see that some of my work intuitions are right and can be fully developed in my work projects.

– Diana V. Almeida, Lisbon, Portugal

“Lucid, generous presentations and explanations made the experiences valuable.”

Lucid, generous presentations and explanations made the experiences valuable. Several will become practices in my personal and professional life. Thank you for them.

– Elizabeth, Australia

“Evolution, connection, expansion, and self-power are only some of the aspects that I sensed in myself during the summit week.”

Evolution, connection, expansion, and self-power are only some of the aspects that I sensed in myself during the summit week. How human and powerful are all those tools shared by the excellent professionals of the somatic field with so much generosity. Just feel grateful.

– Teresa Prima

“There are many life-changing gems here!”

There are many life-changing gems here! For instance, I was so taken with Lavinia Plonka’s intro lesson that I bought her entire Feldenkrais Method course. It’s the best investment I ever made in my back health, giving me deep sleep, calmness, and many other benefits. Her voice is hypnotic and puts me in a perfect state of mind for allowing health to flood in. What a treat to enjoy these fresh ideas.

– Renee, Connecticut

“All the professionals are top-notched, steeped in education and experience.”

All the professionals are top-notched, steeped in education and experience. Could not have asked for better. Most of the sessions resonated with me. 

– Debra, Amarillo, Texas

“I love the interactive way of the sessions and their length.”

I love the interactive way of the sessions and their length. The topics were also interesting. Altogether it broadens my toolkit. Sometimes it shows me things from different cultural perspectives. It is very precious.

– Marzena Wasilewska, Warsaw, Poland

“Bringing new insights to the concept of somatics, the summit has been a real eye opener for me.”

Bringing new insights to the concept of somatics, the summit has been a real eye opener for me. It has helped me to give a different approach to what I was already practicing (meditation, dance, swimming). It has deepened it and definitely made it more useful. It has been an absolute pleasure to listen to so many wise people! 

– Elena, Galway, Ireland



The Path embraces all spiritual paths and aligns the teachings, events, workshops and practices of indigenous traditions and earth-based wisdom for the betterment and support of all beings.
Somatic Movement Center teaches Clinical Somatic Education, a method of neuromuscular education that releases chronic muscle tension and relieves chronic pain.
Spiritual Growth Events - Free Online Courses & Workshops - Awakening to your Soul’s Purpose
The Center For Sacred Studies is dedicated to sustaining ways of life based on collaboration and reciprocity with the Earth and all Her beings.
Michelle Nayeli Bouvier - Live in Your Body. Speak Your Truth. Move With Love